103+ Crazy Cartoon Jokes for Laughter Blast

Imagine a world where gravity-defying anvils drop from the sky, rabbits outwit hunters, and a mouse constantly outsmarts a cat. Welcome to the wacky and wonderful realm of cartoon humor! Get ready for a side-splitting journey through the most hilarious cartoon jokes that have graced our screens. From classic slapstick gags to clever wordplay, these jokes transcend generations and continue to bring smiles to faces of all ages.

Best Cartoon Jokes

  • Why did the cartoon character go to therapy? Because it had too many issues with its ink blot tests!
  • What did one animated pencil say to the other? “You’ve got the lead, I’ll follow!”
  • Why don’t cartoon characters ever get lost? They always follow the comic’s “panels”!
  • How do you keep a cartoon character from getting too cocky? Give it a dose of pixelation reality!
  • Why did the cartoon tomato turn red? It saw the salad dressing!
  • What do you call a dinosaur cartoon? A “rext”!
  • Why did the cartoon chicken join a band? It had the best “cluck” rhythm!
  • Why did the cartoon computer go to therapy? It had too many “bytes” of emotional baggage!
  • What do you call a cartoon cat who sings? A “meow-sician”!
  • Why did the cartoon toilet paper roll down the hill? It wanted to get to the “bottom” of things!
  • How did the cartoon artist know his joke was funny? It “drew” a lot of laughs!
  • Why did the cartoon math book look sad? It had too many “problems” to solve!
  • What do you call a cartoon fish who wears a crown? King “neptune”!
  • Why did the cartoon clock go to therapy? It had too many “ticks” of anxiety!
  • What’s a cartoon’s favorite type of art? “Puns” and ink!
One Liner Cartoon Jokes

One Liner Cartoon Jokes

  • I told my cartoon dog a joke, but he just couldn’t “fetch” the punchline!
  • You know you’re a true cartoonist when you see life in “panels”!
  • Why did the cartoon computer break up with its mouse? It had too many “click” issues!
  • Why did the cartoon tomato turn into a superhero? Because it wanted to “ketchup” with crime!
  • Why did the cartoon cow get an award? Because it was “udderly” fantastic!
  • I used to be a cartoonist, but I couldn’t “draw” any conclusions!
  • Why did the cartoon chicken join the gym? It wanted to work on its “wings”!
  • The cartoon comedian’s jokes were so bad, they were “pixelating”!
  • What did the cartoon horse say to the jockey? “Quit horsing around and let’s “gallop” to victory!”
  • Why did the cartoon spaceship apply for a job? It wanted a “stellar” career!
  • What’s a cartoon’s favorite way to communicate? “Emoji”-tions!
  • Why did the cartoon sun go to school? To get a little “brighter”!
  • What did the cartoon tree say to the artist? “Leaf” me alone!
  • Why did the cartoon math book get a promotion? Because it knew all the “angles”!
  • Why did the cartoon rabbit become a detective? To solve “hare”-raising mysteries!

Funny Jokes About Cartoon

  • When cartoon characters get sick, do they visit the “docu-toon”?
  • If a cartoon character falls in love, is it a “toon”-tangled romance?
  • Do cartoon birds ever tell their troubles to a “tweety”-ologist?
  • If a cartoon character goes to court, is it a “toon” trial?
  • How do cartoon superheroes travel? In “comic” transports!
  • If a cartoon character gets a new job, is it a “cartoon-trepreneur”?
  • Do cartoon cats study “purr”-sonal development?
  • Can a cartoon character ever be truly “sketchy”?
  • If a cartoon character starts a band, is it a “melody” of animation?
  • Do cartoon wizards practice “spell”-f-care?
  • Can a cartoon character ever be a “drawing”-back?
  • Why did the cartoon elephant bring a suitcase to the comedy show? Because it wanted to pack some “jumbo” laughs!
  • Why did the cartoon chef get a promotion? Because their dishes were always “animated”!
Funny Jokes About Cartoon

Crazy Jokes For Cartoon

  • Why did the cartoon banana go to the doctor? It wasn’t peeling well!
  • If a cartoon character is bad at math, is it called “subtract-anime”?
  • Why did the cartoon vampire get a job as a dentist? It wanted to “suck” out toothpaste!
  • Can a cartoon character ever experience “ink”-stinctual feelings?
  • What do you call a cartoon coffee that’s always tired? A “depresso”!
  • Why did the cartoon football team go to the bank? To get their “quarters”!
  • Can a cartoon character become a “sketch”-ologist?
  • Why did the cartoon ghost get a loan? It wanted to buy a haunted “manor”!
  • If a cartoon character becomes a firefighter, is it “smoke”-and-mirrors heroism?
  • Why did the cartoon tomato blush? It saw the salad “dressing”!
  • Can a cartoon character ever suffer from “doodle”rama?
  • Why did the cartoon computer attend a painting class? It wanted to learn “pixel” art!
  • Why did the cartoon bird get kicked out of school? Because it couldn’t “tweet” properly!
  • Can a cartoon character ever be “sketch”-y about its feelings?
  • Why did the cartoon robot go to therapy? It had too many “mechan-issues”!

Hilarious Jokes On Cartoon

  • Why did the cartoon cat join the rock band? It wanted to “purr”-form live concerts!
  • Can a cartoon character ever experience a “toon” of emotions?
  • Why did the cartoon chicken start a comedy club? Because it had the best “cluck” lineups!
  • If a cartoon character becomes a lifeguard, is it “toon”-surfer safety?
  • Why did the cartoon book get thrown out of school? It couldn’t stop “flipping” out!
  • Can a cartoon character ever get a “draw”-n out therapy session?
  • Why did the cartoon smartphone get a promotion? It had all the right “connections”!
  • If a cartoon character starts a fashion line, is it “toon”-ique style?
  • Why did the cartoon pirate start a podcast? To share tales of “aargh”-mazing adventures!
  • Can a cartoon character ever have “sketch”-y relationships?
  • Why did the cartoon robot go to the gym? To do some “heavy metal” lifting!
  • If a cartoon character becomes a chef, is it a “toon”-cuisine expert?
  • Why did the cartoon astronaut bring a ladder to space? In case they needed to “climb”-inate!
  • Can a cartoon character ever feel “pencil”-trated by its thoughts?
  • Why did the cartoon horse join the track team? To show off its “gallop”-ing skills!


And there you have it – a whirlwind tour of the cartoon universe’s most uproarious jokes that are sure to keep you in stitches. From the zany antics of classic characters to the pun-tastic play on words, cartoons have an uncanny ability to tickle our funny bones. So, whether you’re chuckling at a lovable rabbit’s mischief or a tomato’s quest for stardom, remember that laughter truly is the best ink! For more hilarious content and a dose of cheer, hop on over to our website. It’s time to embrace the cartoon magic and keep those smiles shining bright!

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