107+ Crispy November Jokes to Bringing Laughter to Fall Season

Welcome to the hilarious world of November jokes! As the leaves change color and the air turns crisp, it’s the perfect time to lighten the mood with some laughter. In this article, we have compiled a collection of the funniest November jokes that are sure to tickle your funny bone. From one-liners to funny anecdotes, we’ve got it all covered. So sit back, relax, and get ready to have a good laugh!

Best November Jokes

  • The Turkey’s Complaint: Why did the turkey complain about November? Because it knew it was going to get stuffed!
  • The Fall Fiasco: Why did the scarecrow win an award in November? Because it was outstanding in its field!
  • The Leaf’s Dilemma: Why did the leaf go to the doctor in November? It was feeling a bit green!
  • The Thanksgiving Mix-Up: Why did the Thanksgiving turkey join a band? Because it had the drumsticks!
  • The November Surprise: What did the calendar say to November? “Don’t turn the page, I’m not ready for winter yet!”
  • The November Rain: Why did the scarecrow bring an umbrella in November? Because it heard there would be a “corny” shower!
  • The Fall Fashion: What do you call a scarecrow wearing a raincoat in November? Outstanding in its field and ready for any weather!
  • The Turkey’s Escape Plan: Why did the turkey cross the road in November? To prove it wasn’t chicken!
  • The November Feast: What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter in November? Pumpkin π!
  • The November Workout: Why did the scarecrow join a gym in November? It wanted to work on its “core” strength!
  • The November Harvest: Why did the farmer bring a ladder to the pumpkin patch in November? Because he wanted to “fall” for the best ones!
  • The November Surprise Party: Why did the scarecrow throw a party in November? Because it wanted to have a “bale” of a time!
  • The November Travel Plans: Why did the scarecrow book a flight in November? It wanted to take a “hay-cation”!
  • The November Riddle: What do you call a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving? Lucky!
  • The November Wish: What did the turkey say to the hunter on Thanksgiving? “Quack, quack!”
Funny November jokes

One Liner November Jokes

  • Fall Fun: Why did the leaf go to the doctor? It was feeling a bit under the weather!
  • The November Reminder: Why did the calendar go to therapy? It had too many dates!
  • The November Surprise: Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because it was outstanding in its field!
  • The November Feast: What do you call a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving? Lucky!
  • The November Workout: Why did the scarecrow join a gym? It wanted to work on its “core” strength!
  • The November Travel Plans: Why did the scarecrow book a flight? It wanted to take a “hay-cation”!
  • The November Riddle: What do you call a turkey that plays guitar? A jam session!
  • The November Harvest: Why did the farmer bring a ladder to the pumpkin patch? Because he wanted to “fall” for the best ones!
  • The November Surprise Party: Why did the scarecrow throw a party? Because it wanted to have a “bale” of a time!
  • The November Wish: What did the turkey say to the hunter on Thanksgiving? “Quack, quack!”
  • The November Escape: Why did the turkey cross the road? To prove it wasn’t chicken!
  • The November Rain: Why did the scarecrow bring an umbrella? Because it heard there would be a “corny” shower!
  • The November Fashion: What do you call a scarecrow wearing a raincoat? Outstanding in its field and ready for any weather!
  • The November Mix-Up: Why did the Thanksgiving turkey join a band? Because it had the drumsticks!
  • The November Dilemma: Why did the leaf go to the doctor? It was feeling a bit green!

Funny November Jokes

  • The Turkey’s Complaint: Why did the turkey complain about November? Because it knew it was going to get stuffed!
  • The Fall Fiasco: Why did the scarecrow win an award in November? Because it was outstanding in its field!
  • The Leaf’s Dilemma: Why did the leaf go to the doctor in November? It was feeling a bit green!
  • The Thanksgiving Mix-Up: Why did the Thanksgiving turkey join a band? Because it had the drumsticks!
  • The November Surprise: What did the calendar say to November? “Don’t turn the page, I’m not ready for winter yet!”
  • The November Rain: Why did the scarecrow bring an umbrella in November? Because it heard there would be a “corny” shower!
  • The Fall Fashion: What do you call a scarecrow wearing a raincoat in November? Outstanding in its field and ready for any weather!
  • The Turkey’s Escape Plan: Why did the turkey cross the road in November? To prove it wasn’t chicken!
  • The November Feast: What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter in November? Pumpkin π!
  • The November Workout: Why did the scarecrow join a gym in November? It wanted to work on its “core” strength!
  • The November Harvest: Why did the farmer bring a ladder to the pumpkin patch in November? Because he wanted to “fall” for the best ones!
  • The November Surprise Party: Why did the scarecrow throw a party in November? Because it wanted to have a “bale” of a time!
  • The November Travel Plans: Why did the scarecrow book a flight in November? It wanted to take a “hay-cation”!
  • The November Riddle: What do you call a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving? Lucky!
  • The November Wish: What did the turkey say to the hunter on Thanksgiving? “Quack, quack!”
Cute November jokes

Hilarious November Jokes Related to Events

  • The Black Friday Madness: Why did the scarecrow go shopping on Black Friday? It wanted to find the best deals on straw!
  • The Thanksgiving Mix-Up: Why did the cranberries turn red on Thanksgiving? They saw the turkey dressing!
  • The November Feast: Why did the turkey sit on the clock during Thanksgiving dinner? It wanted to be the centerpiece!
  • The November Parade: Why did the scarecrow join the Thanksgiving parade? It wanted to march to the beat of its own drumsticks!
  • The November Football Game: Why did the turkey bring a whistle to the football game? It wanted to be the referee!
  • The November Harvest Festival: Why did the scarecrow win the dance competition at the harvest festival? It had the best “corn” moves!
  • The November Pie Contest: Why did the pumpkin pie win the contest? It was “filling” the judges with delight!
  • The November Family Gathering: Why did the scarecrow invite all its relatives for Thanksgiving? It wanted to have a “straw-ming” family reunion!
  • The November Leftovers: Why did the turkey go to the gym after Thanksgiving? It wanted to “work off” all the extra stuffing!
  • The November Wishbone: Why did the scarecrow make a wish on the wishbone? It wanted to have a “bone”-afide good time!
  • The November Corn Maze: Why did the scarecrow get lost in the corn maze? It couldn’t find its way out of the “maize”!
  • The November Pumpkin Carving: Why did the scarecrow win the pumpkin carving contest? It had the “gourd”-geous skills!
  • The November Harvest Blessings: Why did the scarecrow say grace before the Thanksgiving meal? It wanted to give thanks for all the “bountiful” harvest!
  • The November Turkey Trot: Why did the scarecrow participate in the turkey trot race? It wanted to show off its “straw-ng” running skills!
  • The November Leftover Sandwich: Why did the scarecrow make a sandwich with Thanksgiving leftovers? It wanted to have a “stuffing” good meal!

Crazy November Jokes Related to Other Months

  • The December Mix-Up: Why did November get jealous of December? Because it knew December had all the presents!
  • The October Surprise: Why did November play a prank on October? Because it wanted to show it was the funniest month!
  • The January Blues: Why did November feel sorry for January? Because it knew January had to deal with all the New Year’s resolutions!
  • The February Love: Why did November send a love letter to February? Because it wanted to warm up the cold winter!
  • The March Madness: Why did November challenge March to a basketball game? Because it wanted to prove it could be just as “mad”!
  • The April Fool’s Day: Why did November play a prank on April? Because it wanted to show it could be just as funny!
  • The May Flowers: Why did November envy May? Because it knew May had all the beautiful flowers!
  • The June Sunshine: Why did November wish it was June? Because it wanted to enjoy the warm sunshine!
  • The July Fireworks: Why did November feel left out during July? Because it knew July had all the fireworks!
  • The August Vacation: Why did November envy August? Because it knew August was the month for vacations!
  • The September Back-to-School: Why did November feel relieved when September arrived? Because it knew it was time for kids to go back to school!
  • The October Halloween: Why did November dress up as October for Halloween? Because it wanted to be the scariest month!
  • The December Snow: Why did November wish it could snow like December? Because it wanted to have a white winter wonderland!
  • The January Resolutions: Why did November laugh at January’s resolutions? Because it knew they wouldn’t last!
  • The February Valentine’s Day: Why did November feel lonely during February? Because it knew February was the month for love!


November is a month filled with warmth, gratitude, and laughter. We hope these November jokes brought a smile to your face and brightened your day. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, so keep spreading the joy! If you enjoyed these jokes, visit our website for more hilarious jokes and humor ideas. Stay tuned for more laughter-filled articles coming your way! Visit our website for a daily dose of laughter and more joke ideas to brighten your day!

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